Cinema Cleaning

Comprehensive Cleaning Service for Cinemas - Ensuring Impeccable Experiences

At our company, we offer a specialized cleaning service for cinemas, designed to ensure that each screening room and common area provides the best possible experience for viewers. We understand that cleanliness and maintenance are crucial for customer satisfaction and the image of the cinema, which is why we are committed to providing a pristine and welcoming environment.

What does our service include?

Deep Cleaning of Screening Rooms: We take care of the deep cleaning of the rooms, including seats, floors, and screens. We use specific equipment and products to avoid damaging delicate surfaces and ensure everything is ready for the next showing.

Maintenance of Common Areas: We clean and maintain all common areas, including lobbies, ticket counters, corridors, and restrooms. Our focus is on the details, from floor polishing to disinfecting high-touch surfaces, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all users.

Waste Management and Recycling: We implement effective waste management systems and promote recycling to minimize environmental impact. We ensure that the waste generated during and after the screenings is collected and properly treated.

Disinfection and Sanitization: Given the high influx of people in cinemas, regular disinfection is crucial. We apply rigorous sanitization protocols, using products that are safe for the public but effective against a wide range of pathogens.

Additional Services as Needed: We offer additional services that may include cleaning of food and beverage areas, treatment of specific stains, and customized solutions according to the particular requirements of each cinema.