Cleaning Houses

Comprehensive Home Cleaning Service - Transforming Houses into Clean and Healthy Homes

At our company, we specialize in providing personalized cleaning services for homes, understanding that each home is a vital space that reflects and affects the quality of life of its occupants. We are dedicated to providing a clean, hygienic, and organized environment, so residents can fully enjoy their time at home without worries.

What does our service include?

Detailed Cleaning: We perform thorough cleaning that covers all aspects of your home, from floors and walls to ceilings and forgotten corners. We clean windows, doors, furniture, and other surfaces to eliminate dust, dirt, and allergens.

Deep Disinfection: In these times, health is a priority. Our service includes deep disinfection of high-contact areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, using products that effectively eliminate germs and bacteria, ensuring a safe space for the entire family.

Textile Care: We take care of washing and caring for curtains, carpets, and upholstery, using appropriate techniques and products for each type of material, ensuring their longevity and freshness.

Home Organization: In addition to cleaning, we offer organization services to optimize the spaces in your home. This includes organizing closets, garages, and any other area that needs order to improve the functionality of the home.

Custom Additional Services: Understanding that each home has unique needs, we offer additional services that can be tailored to each situation, such as post-construction cleaning, preparation of homes for special events, and more.